Black powder coated aluminum boat for up to 4x 1U 200/200e series modules. Choose your power configuration.
The extra-deep version is made to fit a 208p + a small powered busboard.
The standard version will fit a 208p and a passive busboard.
A set of M2.5 screws to mount your modules will be included.
The extra-deep version has 2 angles on the sides, just like the larger boats.
4U boat with small power board.
4U boat with large busboard. Pleaso note that the picture shows an older version with tinnerman nuts installed.
4U boat without busboard. A 208p will fit fine with a passive busboard installed. Need a powered boat for your 208p ? Take the 4U extra-deep version and add a power configuration of your choice.
4U extra-deep boat. Perfect for a 208 Easel module + power board. Add a power configuration of your choice. A small power board + 60W power supply will be fine for a complete Easel.
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